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前大脳動脈(anterior cerebral artery:ACA)は多様な破格を伴う頭蓋内血管の1つであるが,その破格の多くはA1の低形成や窓形成,A1穿通枝やHeubner arteryの破格,azygos ACAやaccessary ACA,accessary middle cerebral arteryであり8),前頭眼窩動脈の破格は比較的稀である.一般的に,前頭眼窩動脈はA2近位部から分枝するACAの最初の皮質枝であり,A1から分岐する破格はわずか4%程度である10).
We report a case of an unruptured aneurysm arising from the bifurcation of the fronto-orbital artery originating from the proximal segment of the left anterior cerebral artery(A1)concurrent with a tuberculum sellae meningioma. A 46-year-old woman presented with a right visual disturbance and left temporal hemianopsia. Preoperative neuroradiological examination showed a heterogeneously enhanced extra-axial suprasellar tumor expanding to the right optic canal and 3-mm diameter aneurysm arising from the bifurcation of the fronto-orbital artery originating from the proximal segment of the left anterior cerebral artery(A1). She underwent total removal of the tumor and neck clipping of the aneurysm via a right pterional approach without any additional deficits. Postoperative MRI and 3D CTA showed total tumor removal and complete obliteration of the aneurysm. The patient was discharged 21 days after surgery without new or worsened postoperative neurological deficits.
Cerebral aneurysm concurrent with meningioma is extremely rare. Preoperative diagnosis and appropriate assessment of both the meningioma and unruptured aneurysm are warranted to prevent severe complications.

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