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錐体路(cortico spinal tract:CST)近傍腫瘍の手術において,白質(皮質下)電気刺激により運動誘発電位(motor evoked potential:MEP)が得られる刺激閾値を測定し,刺激部位からCSTまでの距離を推定する手法が報告されている1,6).これらの報告では刺激強度の絶対値が用いられているが,MEPは麻酔薬や麻痺,刺激条件などさまざまな影響を受けるため4),距離の推定は必ずしも正確でない可能性があり注意を要する.皮質刺激強度(電流値)と白質直接刺激強度の相対値を用いる方法5)は,刺激電流の絶対値に比べてこれらの影響を軽減できる可能性があり,自験例を交えて報告する.
OBJECTIVE:Motor evoked potentials(MEPs)have been developed and utilized as safe surgical procedures. A correlation between the threshold intensity of direct stimulation MEPs and the distance of the corticospinal tract(CST)has been already established. However, MEPs are affected by anesthesia and patient-related conditions. Here, we describe a unique technique to avoid these effects.
METHOD:When tumors developed in proximity to the CST, the transcortical MEP monitoring was done by placing grid electrodes on the primary motor cortex continuously while direct subcortical MEP mapping was conducted with a monopolar probe. The ratios of the subcortical to the transcortical stimulation intensity were calculated. The point at which the ratios reached 50% was defined as the surgical excision limit.
DISCUSSION:MEPs are affected by anesthesia, paralysis, body temperature, and other factors. By measuring the ratio of the cortical stimulation intensity instead of the absolute value of the white matter stimulation intensity, various affecting factors can be avoided, and more accurate monitoring can become possible.
CONCLUSION:By calculating the ratio of subcortical to cortical stimulation intensity, the corticospinal tract mapping is less likely to be influenced by the stimulation condition or facility setup, and this warrants further investigation.

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