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下垂体内に免疫組織化学的に分離することのできる2つ以上の下垂体腺腫が重複する病態は稀ではあるものの,剖検例や手術症例の検討で一定の頻度が存在することが報告されている3,9,13,14).産生するホルモンの組み合わせにより頻度が異なり,特にadrenocorticotropic hormone(ACTH)-growth hormone(GH)産生性の重複下垂体腺腫の頻度は低い2,5).中でも,先端巨大症とCushing病の臨床症状を合併した症例の報告は数例にとどまる1,18).今回われわれは,臨床的に先端巨大症とCushing病を合併したACTHおよびGH産生性重複下垂体腺腫の1例を経験したため,ここに報告する.
Double functional pituitary adenomas are rare, and only a few cases of excessive clinical symptoms of both adrenocorticotropic hormone(ACTH)and growth hormone(GH)have been reported. We herein report a case of symptomatic ACTH-and GH-producing double pituitary adenomas, which were discretely located within the same pituitary gland.
A 38-year-old woman presented with general malaise, facial and lower limb edema, unexplained weight gain, facial redness, acne, and nasal enlargement. Endocrinological findings matched with the diagnostic criteria for both acromegaly and Cushing's disease. Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging showed a 15-mm cyst-like lesion on the right side of the sellae surrounded by what was thought to be the normal contrast-enhancing pituitary gland. We assumed that the cyst-like lesion was an adenoma and performed endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery. However, the cyst-like lesion was a parenchymal tumor. Furthermore, the region we considered to be a normal pituitary gland was also found to be an adenoma. Both adenomas were completely resected. The postoperative blood analysis showed ACTH<1.0pg/dL, cortisol 1.8μg/dL, and insulin-like growth factor-1 60ng/mL, all of which were below reference levels. The histopathological examination confirmed the coexistence of two adenomas, a GH-producing adenoma and an ACTH-producing adenoma. We concluded that these adenomas were endocrinologically active within the pituitary gland. Thus, a diagnosis of double pituitary adenomas was made.
When treating a patient with symptoms caused by hypersecretion of multiple anterior pituitary hormones, the possibility of coexisting multiple pituitary adenomas should be considered.

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