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腰痛や腰下肢痛に対する治療としては,腰椎疾患に軸足が置かれることが少なくない.しかし,腰椎手術後に腰痛や腰下肢痛が遺残もしくは再燃したfailed back surgery syndrome(FBSS)5,35,36,52)に関する詳細な検討や,非特異的腰痛が85%であるとの報告などから,腰痛や腰下肢痛に対する診療において,その他の原因についても留意する必要があることが知られてきている.
INTRODUCTION:Here we report our treatment results of low back and leg pain(LBLP)considering para-lumbar spine disease(PLSD)and peripheral nerve neuropathy(PNN).
MATERIALS and METHODS:We enrolled 103 patients who were admitted to our institute for LBLP treatment between January and December in 2014. For the treatment, we preferentially performed intensive block therapy for PLSD.
RESULT:Among 103 patients, 89 patients had PLSD. In 85 patients, we performed intensive block therapy and 82 patients experienced short-term improvement of symptoms. In 35 of these 82 patients, lumbar spine and/or PNN surgical treatment was required as the effect of block therapy was transient. Intensive block therapy was effective in 47 of 103 patients(45.6%), and the remaining patients required surgical treatment(PLSD and/or PNN:31 cases, lumbar spine:13 cases, both:8 cases).
CONCLUSION:Among 103 patients with LBLP, intensive block therapy for PLSD and PNN was useful for short-term symptom improvement in 82 patients(79.6%), and for long-term symptom improvement in 47 patients(45.6%)as evaluated at the final follow-up. Surgical treatment of PLSD and/or PNN was required in 39 patients(37.9%). These results suggested that treatment of PLSD and PNN might yield good results for patients with LBLP.
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