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脳動脈瘤手術では,術前画像で脳動脈瘤と周囲の血管との解剖学的構造を知ることが必須である.古くから行われている脳血管撮影に加え,今日ではコンピュータ技術の発達により3-dimensional computed tomography angiography(3D-CTA), magnetic resonance angiography(MRA), 3-dimensional rotational angiography(3D-RA)などのコンピュータグラフィックス(CG)が容易に得られるようになり,術前画像として欠かせないものとなっている.さらに,CGの発展としてバーチャルリアリティ(VR)技術を利用した術前シミュレーションや手術トレーニング方法も報告されている7,9).
画像データから迅速に立体モデルを作製する技術はrapid prototyping(RP)と呼ばれ,医療分野においてもさまざまな目的で使用されている4).RPにはいくつかの方法があるが,最近ではABSなどの樹脂を用いた熱溶解積層方式の3Dプリンターの低価格化が進み,パーソナルユースでも注目されている2).
We developed a method for manufacturing solid models of cerebral aneurysms, with a shorter printing time than that involved in conventional methods, using a compact 3D printer with acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene(ABS)resin. We further investigated the application and utility of this printing system in emergency clipping surgery.
A total of 16 patients diagnosed with acute subarachnoid hemorrhage resulting from cerebral aneurysm rupture were enrolled in the present study. Emergency clipping was performed on the day of hospitalization. Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine(DICOM)data obtained from computed tomography angiography(CTA)scans were edited and converted to stereolithography(STL)file formats, followed by the production of 3D models of the cerebral aneurysm by using the 3D printer.
The mean time from hospitalization to the commencement of surgery was 242 min, whereas the mean time required for manufacturing the 3D model was 67 min. The average cost of each 3D model was 194 Japanese Yen. The time required for manufacturing the 3D models shortened to approximately 1 hour with increasing experience of producing 3D models. Favorable impressions for the use of the 3D models in clipping were reported by almost all neurosurgeons included in this study.
Although 3D printing is often considered to involve huge costs and long manufacturing time, the method used in the present study requires shorter time and lower costs than conventional methods for manufacturing 3D cerebral aneurysm models, thus making it suitable for use in emergency clipping.

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