

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Radiological Diagnosis of Chronic Spinal Cord Compressive Lesion at Thoraco-lumbar Junction Izumi KOYANAGI 1 , Toyohiko ISU 1 , Yoshinobu IWASAKI 1 , Minoru AKINO 1 , Hiroshi ABE 1 , Kunio TASHIRO 2 , Kazuo MIYASAKA 3 , Satoru ABE 3 , Kiyoshi KANEDA 4 1Department of Neurosurgery, Hokkaido University School of Medicine 2Department of Neurology, Hokkaido University School of Medicine 3Department of Radiology, Hokkaido University School of Medicine 4Department of Orthopedics, Hokkaido University School of Medicine Keyword: Thoracic spondylosis , Ossification of yellow ligament , Myelography , CT-myelography , MRI(magnetic resonance imaging) pp.1227-1233
Published Date 1988/10/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1436202706
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Radiological findings in five cases with chronic spinal cord compressive lesion at thoraco-lumbar junction were reported. Three cases had spondylosis and two cases had ossification of yellow ligament (OYL). The levels of the lesions were T12/L1 in three cases and T11/12 in two cases. Two out of three spondylotic pa-tients had also OYI, at the same level. The five cases consisted of three men and two women. The ages ranged from 42 to 60 years old with a mean age of 53 years old. Neurologically, every patient showed flaccid paresis and sensory disturbance of the legs. Two cases had sensory disturbance of stocking type.

Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1251 印刷版ISSN 0301-2603 医学書院


