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胸腰椎移行部における椎間板障害や黄色靱帯骨化症(以下OYL)などの脊髄慢性圧迫病変は,臨床的にはepiconus syndrome3)とよばれる,末梢神経障害に類似した症状を呈することがある8).また,脊髄単純撮影のみでは異常が発見されにくいため,診断が遅れることも少なくない10).今回,われわれは.当料で経験した胸腰椎移行部の慢性圧迫病変について,放射線学的診断の面から検討を加えた.この部位の病変では.脊髄腔造影(MLG)やMRIによる動的要因の検索,delayed CT—myelographyによる髄内変化の描出が障害レベルの決定に亜要であることを強調したい.
Radiological findings in five cases with chronic spinal cord compressive lesion at thoraco-lumbar junction were reported. Three cases had spondylosis and two cases had ossification of yellow ligament (OYL). The levels of the lesions were T12/L1 in three cases and T11/12 in two cases. Two out of three spondylotic pa-tients had also OYI, at the same level. The five cases consisted of three men and two women. The ages ranged from 42 to 60 years old with a mean age of 53 years old. Neurologically, every patient showed flaccid paresis and sensory disturbance of the legs. Two cases had sensory disturbance of stocking type.

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