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MRI(Magnetic resonance imaging)はその登場以来,特に神経疾患の診断に於いて高い評価を得ており,頭蓋内疾患のみならず脊髄,脊椎疾患においても表面コイルの工夫,MR装置の改善により,臨床的有用性が確立されてきている1,2,15,20).そのなかでも頸部椎間板障害におけるMRIの画像情報は従来のMyelography(以下MLGと略)及びCT myelography(以下CTM)とは異なる有用な情報を提供することが指摘されてきている2,11,13,15,18,20).今回われわれは超電導MRIを用いた頸部椎間板障害のMRI画像についてMLG,CTMとも比較し,現時点に於けるMRIの限界点について検討した.
Since magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology has been greatly improved, MRI for cervical disc dis-ease has become widely used in many facilities. Among non-invasive procedures, MRI is regarded as one of the most useful ones. Conventional myelography, CT myelography, and MRI were performed on 10 patients with cervical disc disease. The authors discussed the correlation between conventional myelography, CT myelography, and MRI as regards their ability to deter-mine the localization and the laterality of disc protru-sion and osteophyte.

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