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近年radioimmunoassayのめざましい発展により種々の臓器におけるホルモン産生腫瘍の研究がなされ,頭蓋内原発性腫瘍によるホルモン産生に関しても同様に検討されつつある.一方,これら腫瘍の免疫組織化学も頭蓋内腫瘍に応用されてきた.著者らはprecocious puberty(以下PP)を伴った右大脳半球の視床および基底核部に病巣が見られた頭蓋内原発のgerm cell tumorの1例を経験し,その治療経過をCT scanおよびHCGで追跡しえた.また病理組織学的にはgerminomaとchorio-carcinomaの混在型を示し免疫組織化学的にHCGの局在を証明しえたので報告し,併せて若干の文献的考察を加えた.
A case of intracranial germ cell tumor in the right basalganglia and it's vicinity area was presented and previousreported cases were reviewed.
The patient was a 11-year-old boy with precocious puberty. His illness started with left hemiparesis and mental distur-bance, i.e. behavioral and emotional change one year priorto admission. Enhanced CT demonstrated a round lesionof high density, with relatively low density in the centerportion. The tumor developed from the right putamen tothalamus, and involved toward hypothalamic region oncoronary CT.

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