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脳底動脈末梢部動脈瘤に対して1961年Drakeが最初の手術成功例を報告して以来subtemporal approachが唯一の手術法として多くの症例に用いられてきた.1975年Yasargilら10)によりfrontolateral sphenoparietal(or"pterional")approachによる方法が発表され,この手術法が有するいくつかの利点のために,最近は同部の動脈瘤に対して使用される頻度が増加している.
脳底動脈末梢部動脈瘤に対してpterional approachが用いられる場合には,内頸動脈の外側からの接近法(lateral to the carotid artery medial to the oculomotornerve9),retrocarotid approach medial to the 3rdnerve4),conventional approach behind the carotidartery5)が一般的であり,視神経と内頸動脈との間からの接近法(between the carotid artery and optic nerve5),9),via the optic-carotid triangle4))の可能性は著しく低く,数%といわれている.
There have been known two routes in pterional approach to the distal basilar artery aneurysms : one is via the space between the optic nerve and internal caro-tid artery (optic-carotid triangle : OCT) and the other is lateral to the ICA (retrocarotid approach : RCA) . Although the approach via OCT has several advan-tages of its own, it had been considered to be used in very limited cases. Since we successfully clipped the aneurysms via OCT in 4 cases out of 12 (33%) , neuro-radiological findings observed in these 4 cases are analyzed and reported.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.