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Nishiokaの脳動脈瘤に対する頸部頸動脈閉塞術に関するco-operative studyによれば,内頸動脈結紮例の59%に,また総頸動脈結紮例の32%に術後脳虚血症状が出現したという22).このような術後合併症を防ぐ目的で,われわれは直達手術が困難な症例に対し内頸動脈結紮(ICA ligation)と頭蓋外-頭蓋内バイパス(EC/IC bypass)をone-stageで施行し,良好な結果を得た2-4).手技ならびに留意点を論じ,その成績を報告する.
The combined one-stage operations, STA-MCAanastomosis and internal carotid artery (ICA) ligation(or trapping) were carried out in 11 cases (Age: 18-79yrs, Av.: 45.8 yrs) of ICA aneurysms which wereinaccessible for a direct operation because of theirlocations and sizes.
First the STA-MCA anastomosis was performedunder general anesthesia. Then the patient wasawaked and thereafter under local anesthesia the ICAwas temporarily clamped for 30 min. under inducedhypotension to check whether any ischemic signsappeared. This was followed by proximal ICAligation when no ischemic signs were observed.

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