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脊髄動静脈奇形の診断には1960年代後半に発達した選択的脊髄血管造影が主に用いられてきた.本症の診断や治療にCTを利用した報告も散見されるが,いずれも症例数に限りがあり,いまだ系統的な検討はなされていない1,4,6,7).今回われわれは造影剤をbolus injectionすることによりdynamic CTを行い,脊髄動静脈奇形の三次元的imageを作成し検討したので以下に報告する.
Seventeen cases of spinal cord arteriovenous mal-formation (AVM) were evaluated by use of spinal dyna-mic computed tomography (CT) . In the intravenous in-jection method, contrast medium was injected bolusly into the median cubital vein. In the intraarterial injec-tion method, contrast medium was injected slowly into the feeding artery.
In both methods, lesions were demonstrated in all cases. Three-dimensional localization of the lesions were more clearly demonstrated in the intraarterial in-jection method. Intravenous injection method was use-ful in the postoperative follow-up study due to its noninvasiveness.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.