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しかし,術後狭窄病変が変化し,閉塞に陥り臨床的に悪化したもの,逆に狭窄の緩解するもののあることが注目を集めている1,3,4,6,7).またco-operative study10)では,M1領域においては,内科的治療に比して外科的治療が約5年間のfollow-upで有意に劣ることが報告された.
To elucidate hemodynamic changes and prognosis af-ter STA-MCA anastomosis, thirteen cases with middle cerebral artery stenosis were systematically analyzed from the pre- and postoperative findings of cerebral angiography, CT scan and rCBF.
They were followed up about 3 years long on the average postoperatively.
Postoperative angiography revealed patent bypass in all cases. No remarkable changes at the site of steno-sis were observed in the group A (6 in 13 cases) , who had angiographically sufficient inherent collateral cir-culation.

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