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magnetic resonance-CTは近年著しい発展を遂げ,イメージング技術においてはX線CTをしのぐまでに達している.一方,MR法では,T1,T2などの緩和時間値が主要な構成パラメーターをなしており,その値の変化は生体内の水の分布や動態に深く関連する7)とされる.特にT1値は組織含水量と密接に関連し,病態の消長を示す指標として用いられる可能性を持っている.
Proton NMR is said to be sensitive to change in tis-sue water content. Much more attention has been paid to clinical NMR technique for evaluating pathophy-siological states including intracranial edema dynamics. This paper describes the follow up data in NMR imag-ing and spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) measurement in peritumoral brain tissues. Special attention was directed to the time course of focal T1 values before and after sugery.
Twenty-one patients with brain tumor, including 6 meningiomas, 7 gliomas and 8 metastatic tumors, were subjected to the present studies in the term from March 1983 to September 1985.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.