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ピロリン酸カルシウム結晶沈着症(calcium pyrophos-Phate dihydrate crystal deposition disease, CPPDcdd)はMcCartyら33-35)の業績以来,多くの報告が相つぎ,その本態の解明がなされつつある.しかし,いまだ不明の点が多い新しい疾患概念である.
本症は,一般に関節軟骨に発生するので別名chon—drocalcinosis48,49),pyrophosphate arthropathy9,10)またはpseudogout syndrome32)とも呼ばれている.また近年,関節外にもCPPDcddが発生することも注目され始めている8,17,18).
A case of 64-year-old Japanese woman with cervical radiculomyelopathy caused by the deposition of both calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) and hydroxyapatite crystals in the cervical ligamentum flavum is reported.
The patient developed paresthesia in her both hands and gait disturbance in the previous six months. Neurological examination revealed generalized hyper-reflexia and hypesthesia in the C7 region. Neuro-radiologically, two nodular opacifications were shown in the C3--4 and C5-6 level. CT scan revealed linear and symmetrical calcifications in the C3-4 and nodular calcifications in the C5-6 level.
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