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venous angiomaがvascular malformationに占める頻度は剖検例においては決して稀ではなく,Sarwarら19)は1978年に4069例の剖検中,2.5%の105例がvenousangiomaであったとしている,しかし,臨床的にvenousangiomaが問題となることは比較的稀とされている,またvenous angiomaは,特徴的な脳血管写所見で知られているが,今回のわれわれの手術例は,脳血管写上earlyvenous fillingの所見が見られ,興味深いと思われたので,若干の考察を加え報告する.
A 34-year-old woman had a generalized convulsion of sudden onset on April 30, 1985. The next day, she suffered a reattack of generalized convulsion. She was admitted to Kokura Memorial Hospital on May 13, 1985, and was found to have intracerebral hemorrhage on CT-scan then, underwent surgical procudure. Based on cerebral angiographic findings and histological examination, the diagnosis of cere-bral venous angioma was clone. Cerebral venous angioma is a relatively rare vascular malformation.

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.