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CTと内分泌学的検査法の普及によって,脳下垂体腺腫のうち相当数のものが,トルコ鞍内に限局する,あるいは軽度の鞍上進展を示す比較的小型のmassとして発見されるようになった.ほぼ時を同じくして,薬物療法の発達と6,8)transsphenoidal surgeryの改良1),普及がなされたことによって脳下垂体腺腫の治療の安全さと確実さは飛躍的な向上をみている.
To establish a more reasonable therapeutic guide line for large and/or invasive pituitary adenomas, 257 cases of pituitary adenoma were analyzed.
Among 83 cases with slight or moderate suprasellar extension (Wilson's Grade Ⅱ-A & B) in the pre-CT era, 57 patients were alive at the time of follow-up (mean follow-up period: 12.7 years). Death of un-specified causes other than cancer, myocardial infarc-tion, etc. were reported in nine patients. Among 60 cases of Grade Ⅱ-A & B in the post-CT era, 59 pa-tients were alive (mean follow-up: 3.4 years).

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.