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種々の器官,組織の血管異常を伴うneurofibromatosisは近年vascular neurofibromatosisとして注目されている.脳神経外科領域においても,半田ら9)が総説するように,合併する腫瘍に伴う二次的な血管異常以外に動脈閉塞,動脈瘤などの合併が本疾患の診断,治療上留意すべき問題となっている.われわれは本症に多発性動脈瘤,頭蓋外椎骨動静脈瘻を合併した症例を経験したので文献的考察を加え報告する.
Neurofibromatosis associated with vascular disor-ders is generally known as a vascular neurofibromatosis. In the neurosurgical aspect, it has been pointed out that "moyamoya disease"-like stenosis and/or occlusion of the internal carotid artery are seen in some of the patients with neurofibromatosis. This 58-year-old female with multiple café-au-lait spots and neuro-fibromas all over the body was admitted to our hospital with complaints of left orbital tumor and tinnitus. She had been suffering from the left intra-orbital neurofibroma since ten years of age.

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