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epidermoid cystは,全脳腫瘍の0.5-1.5%の頻度といわれている24).また発生部位については,小脳橋角部,傍トルコ鞍部に多く,前頭葉に発生する頻度は少ない.
全身けいれんを初発症状として,手術の結果,脳実質内に発生したepidermoid cystであることが判明した1例を報告するとともに,epidermoid cystの放射線学的診断について文献的考察を加える.
Epidermoid cysts are most likely to occur at the cerebellopontine angle or in the suprasellar region. Intracerebral epidermoid cysts are rare and only 18 cases have been reported in the literature. This report presents a case of epidermoid cyst which developed in the right frontal lobe.
A 24-year-old woman was admitted to our clinic on April 24, 1983 because of generalized convulsions. On admission no neurological abnormalities were found except for abscence of the venous pulsation in an opthalmoscopic study. A plain roentgenogram revealed a crescent shaped calcification in the right frontal lobe.
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