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1962年,Severinghause20)は呼吸中枢障害に由来する中枢性肺胞低換気症を報告し,覚醒時にさえ無呼吸になる症状をOndine’s curseと名づけた.それはその名が示すように自意識のない睡眠時にあたかも呪いをかけられたように箸しいapneaに陥る病態をいい,このため患者はときに死亡する場合もあると述べている,また死に至らぬまでも,患者は肺胞低換気症のためhyperca-pnea, hypoxiaとなり,種々の合併症に悩まされ長期の人院治療を余儀なくされる.
The author reported a case of central alveolar hypo-ventilation (Ondine's curse) which was treated bydiaphragm pacing.
A 59-year-old man was admitted because of suddendeep coma and tetraparesis. Neurological examina-tion on admission showed miotic pupils with absentlight reaction, no oculocephalic reflex, no cornealreflex and tetraparesis. Glasgow scale scale wasevaluated to be E-1 V-1, and M-3 with total of 5 points.Computed tomography confirmed a large hematomain the cerebellum with ventricular rupture. Immedia-tely, a suboccipital craniectomy was performed andthe hematoma was evacuated.

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