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atlanto-axial dislocation(以下AADと略す)については,その成因,病態生理,手術などに関してGreen-berg6),Fried5),長島10,11),阿部1)ら,種々の報告が見られているが,atlanto-axial rotatory fixation(以下AARFと略す)に関しては,命名法にしても一定しておらず,また,診断法や治療法に関してもさまざまな問題があるのが現状である.
A case of atlanto-axial rotatory fixation (AARF) was presented in a 19-year-old female who developed sudden onset of neck pain and limitation of neck movement after direct carotid angiography for seizure disorder.
Neurological examination was negative except for cock-robin posture and mild hypesthesia and hypal-gesia in left C2 distribution. Plain films of the cervical spine disclosed abnormal alignment of C1-C2 and possible rotational dislocation. Bilateral selective vertebral angiography showed marked anterior and posterior displacement of left and right vertebral artery, respectively, at the level of C1.

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