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脳下垂体腫瘍の治療法として,従来は手術による摘出や放射線治療等が行われてきたが,腫瘍の完全除去が困難で放射線治療も奏効しない例があり,再発による再手術が必要となる場合もみうけられる.さて,最近下垂体ホルモンの分泌を抑制する薬物が出現し,機能性下垂体腫瘍に応用した薬物療法が試みられている.私達は下垂体ホルモンのうち,human growth hormone(HGH)とprolactinの分泌を抑制するといわれるbromocriptineをprolactin産生下垂体腫瘍に使用し,prolactin分泌抑制のみならず,CT scan上,腫瘍自体の消失をみた著効例を経験したので報告する.
The existence of the prolactin-secreting pituitary adenoma was confirmed by Forbes in 1954. By the develop. ment of radioimmunoassay, functional pituitary tumors are being diagnosed with much greater frequency. Prolactin-secreting tumors are said to form :30% of all the functional pituitary tumors.
Operation and irradiation are cornmon as the therapy of pituitary tumors, but we have often net with recurrent cases. Bromocriptine is a dopamine receptor stimulant and reduces serum prolactin and human growth hormone levels. Therefore, it has been used for the treatment of acromegaly, galactorrhoea-amenorrhoea syndrome, parkinsonism and so on.

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