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脳脊髄液の循環動態,特に脳脊髄液の産生率と吸収率をクリアランスの原理を応用して定量化しようと試みたのは1962年Pappenheimerら22)の山羊における脳室灌流法の実験である.1963年Bering and Sato3)は正常犬および水頭症犬にこの実験方法を用いて,その病態を追求した.一方,1966年Rubinら23,24)は臨床的にはじめて抗癌剤の髄腔内灌流による投与と併用してアイソトープをtracerとして脳脊髄液の動態を調べている.
The cerebrospinal fluid dynamics were studied in the ten patients between 33 and 67 years old with signs of so-called normall pressure hydrocephalus by the technique of ventriculo-lumbar perfusion.
The perfusion fluid with Ringer's solution or Hartmann's solution containing tracer amounts (25mg/dl) of inulin.The inflow fluid warmed up to the body temperature was introduced by the infusion pump to the trigone of the lateral ventricle through the ventricular tube. The outflow fluid was collected from the lumbar subarachnoid space through the spinal needle inserted into the interspace.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.