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原発性頭蓋骨腫瘍は一般に少なく,脳腫瘍に比べて診断が比較的容易であることから関心がはらわれることが少ない,なかでもosteogenic sarcomaが頭蓋骨に原発することはむしろ稀であり,その根治手術は解剖学的位置関係から困難である場合が少なくなく予後は極めて悪い.
A case of primary ostecsarcoma of the skull is reported in this paper.
The patient was a 41-year-old male, who complained of painless swelling of the left upper eyelid and became unable to open his left eye. He was admitted to our hospital on March 27, 1972.
A bony hard tumor, fingertip in size, was palpable subcutaneously at the left superior orbital margin. The tumor was inmovable and not tender. Ophthalmological examinations of the left eye revealed disturbance of upward ocular movement without exophthalmos.

Copyright © 1976, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.