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脳内巨細胞肉腫は1917年Schminkeによってganglioglioneuromaという名称で報告されて以来,ganglioglioblastoma,Watjen(1930);spongioblastoma multiforme ganglioides,Foerster & Gagel(1931);glioblastoma gigantocellulare ganglioides,Tönnis & Zülch(1939);malignant ganglioneuroma,Allegra & Serra(1950);monstrocellular sarcoma,Zülch(1956);giantcelled glioblastoma,Russell & Rubinstein(1959);giant cell sarcoma,Kernohan(1959):monstrocellular astrocytoma,Lynn(1968);などといろいろの名称でよばれ,その組織由来についても多くの議論がなされて来た.現在,この腫瘍の組織由来については,2つの考え方がなされている.その一つはRussell and Rubinstein1)らのグリア系腫瘍であるというものと,もう一方はZülch2,3),Brucher4),Kernohan5)らのごとく肉腫であるという説である.
There have been many discussions on the nature of monstrocellular sarcoma of the brain, since this tumor was separated from the entity of ganglioglioneuroma by Schmincke in 1914.
Recently, two cases of this type of neoplasm were experienced, and were investigated in vivo and in vitro under both light and electron microscopes.
Case 1: A 10-year-old boy complained of headache and nausea showed of syndroms of cerebellar lesion. A firm, sharply demarcated tumor was located in the left cerebellar hemisphere and filled the 4th ventricle measuring 5×5×5 cm in dimension. The mass was pinky grey in colar and was cystic in the center.

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