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甲状腺乳頭癌(thyroid papillary carcinoma;TPC)は,甲状腺悪性腫瘍の65~85%を占めている1,15,17).遠隔転移は1~14%にみられ,主に肺や骨に転移し,脳への転移は0.1~5%と少ない1,3-5).しかも,脳転移が発見された時点で,既に肺や骨など他臓器に遠隔転移していることが多く,脳のみに遠隔転移が発見される症例は稀である1,3,11-13).また,原発巣や他の遠隔転移巣の症状ではなく,脳転移巣の症状で初発する症例も稀である2,5,6,11,12).われわれは,TPCの脳への単独転移によるけいれんで初発した症例を経験した.
We report a case of a brain metastasis of thyroid papillary carcinoma. A 50-year-old man suffered generalized convulsion. MRI showed a mixed intensity mass with a perifocal low intensity rim in T2WI, mimicking cavernous angioma. The patient underwent craniotomy and total removal of the mass. The resected specimen revealed thyroid papillary carcinoma. Further examination showed a mass in his thyroid gland. Other distant metastases were not revealed. This is a case of a solitary brain metastasis of thyroid papillary carcinoma and the patient's initial symptom was caused by brain metastasis. Such cases are extremely rare. The mass was presurgically diagnosed as a cavernous angioma but was actually a case of brain metastasis. If we had not performed mass removal, we would not have been able to diagnose it as brain metastasis from thyroid papillary carcinoma and would have not taken appropriate steps toward further examinations and treatment. We must manage carefully a mass resembling cavernous angioma in MRI in consideration of the possibility of its being another diseases such as a metastatic tumor.
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