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―春ごとの花に心をなぐさめて六十路あまりの年を経にける 西行―
当科は1937年にH Krayenbuhl教授によってスイスで始めて創立された.脳神経外科の沿革を辿るとその前に,眼科腫瘍に対するアプローチで知られている外科のRU Krönlein教授にさかのぼることができる.H Krayenbuhl教授はその後任となるMG Yasargil教授との共著で名著『Die zerebrale Angiographie(Cerebral Angiography)Thieme』を表し英訳も刊行し洛陽の紙価を高めた.また,第1回ヨーロッパ脳神経外科学会(1959年)を組織開催してヨーロッパ近代脳神経外科の発展に力を尽くした.第2代のMG Yasargil教授はMicrosurgeryを脳神経外科に導入発展させたことを始めとした多大の貢献により,脳神経外科の創始者H Cushing教授とともに米国雑誌Neurrosurgery(1999年)にて20世紀の代表的脳神経外科医の2人に選ばれた.
The author was asked by the editorial office of “No Shinkei Geka”for making report on the present status of our department,whose chairman happens to be a Japanese since 1993 in the middle of Europe. It was five years ago when the outline of historical developement of our department was reported along with the status presens at that time at the Historian Corner of Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien) 200025) edited by Prof. M Brock,Berlin. It is author's intention this time to describe briefly essence of the above mentioned article and to report further development along with ongoing clinical and research activty. It is his pleaure and honour to be allowed the chance to have this report after a silence of more than 6 years in Japanese clinical neuroscience journals about “Japanese scientists at the Hirnanatomisches Institut and the brain research institute of University of Zurich1)” and “Theodor Kocher,Hayazo Ito and Harvey Cushing in Berne,Switzerland26)”.

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