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A new quantitive method of bromide which wasdevised by the present author was Published atthe 85th meeting of the Japan Society of Biochemi-stry.
Determination of bromide was made clinicallyon 80 cases using cerebrospinal fluid and blood.The average normal cerebronominal fluid was 7.6mg/dl and the blood 0.9 mg/dl in average. Itwas revealed several times that bromide containedin the cerebrospinal fluid was as high as that ofthe blood.
Consequently, this new method was applied cli-nically for the diagnosis of craniocerebral injuries,brain turner, epilepsy or other mental diseases.The value of bromide in both cerebrospinal fluidand blood of the above diseases was measured bythis new method with the following results, incraniocerebral injuries, value of bromide in cere-bralspinal fluid increased about 2 times of normalvalue.
In epilepsy, it showed lower value than in anormal cases.
In brain tumor it was about 2.5 times as highas in a normal cases.
However, no remarkable variation on value of bromide in the blood were demonstrated in anycase of the above diseases.
It was as certained in the investigation thatmost of the bromide measured in cerebrospinalfluid was existing as an organic bromo-compoundwith was contaimed in non protein fraction.

Copyright © 1960, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.