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A series of experiments has been implicatedmedial hyperstriatum ventrale (MHV) region in imprinting in domestic chicks. Visual imprinting correlates with differential activation in medial part of MHV (IMHV) and acoustic imprinting with dorsal part of MHV (MNH).
The IMHV receives afferent fibers mainly from sensory area, ipsilateral visual wulst which receives an input through tectofugal pathway, neostriatum pars intermedia and caudalis, posterior part of hyperstriatum ventrale and some from dorsal part of archistriatum, paleostriatum augu-mentatum, dorsomedial part of thalamus, hippo-campus, septum, ventromedial part of thalamus and striatum ablum centrale. Some of these afferents contain acetylcholinesterase and may be cholinergic. Efferent projection of the IMHV run to archistriatum intermedium which con-tributes fibres to the tractus occipitomes ence-phalicus, avian equivalent of the mammalian pyramidal tract. Main afferent projection to MNH arise from Field L which receive an imput through central auditory pathway.

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