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消去現象とは,Bender(1952)が"a process in whicha sensation disappears or a stimulus becomes imperceptible when another sensation is evoked by simultaneous stimulation elsewhere in the sensory field"(ある感覚が他の部位に同時刺激を加えることにより消失するか,もとの刺激が知覚されなくなる過程)と定義した"extinction"の現象をさす。
From a survey of the literature on the extinction phenomenon, the author pointed out the following to which special attention should be paid in investigating the physiological mechanism underlying extinction.
1) In the somesthetic modality, one had better consider separately extinction to bilateral simultaneous stimulation of homologous (or symmetric) regions and that to bilateral simultaneous stimulation of nonhomologous (or asymmetric) regions: although patients with organic mental syndrome and normal children age 3-6 years may show persistent extinction to asymmetric double stimulations (face-hand test), they rarely show extinction to symmetric double stimulations. Extinction to symmetric double stimulations is only found constantly in patients with focal brain lesions.

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