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The fractionation method and biochemical charac-teristics of subcellular units of guinea pig braincortex were studied.
The brain tissue was homogeneized in 10 volumesof 0.32M sucrose solution with a teflon homogenei-zer in the cold. And the differential and densitygradient centrifugations were carried out as shownFig. 1. Then seven subcellular fractions wereseparated, that is nuclei, myelins, mitochondria,nerve endings, vesicles, microsomes and supernatantfractions. Both myelins and nerve endings fractionswere charactristically obtained from brain tissue.
To examine purities of their subcellular units,its electronmicroscopic patterns and distributionsof total nitrogen, nucleic acids and lipids werestudied. It was found that majority of nucleiobtained from brain tissue have relatively lowdensity and ribosomes isolated from brain micro-somes were more sensitive to Mg ions than thosefrom other tissues. Amino acid distributions onthese fractions were also determined.
Glutamic acid, aspartic acid and glutamine weremainly in supernatant portion. On the other hand,r-aminobutyric acid and N-acetyl aspartic acid werefound partly on the particulates. So, These latteramino acids might have relation to transmittersubstances in synaptic regions.
The enzymes which concerned with glutamatemetabolism in the brain tissue were located mainlymitochondria and supernatant, for instance, glutamicdecarboxylase, glutamine synthetase, glutamotrans-ferase, r-aminobutyrate transaminase and so on.
Succinic dehydrogenase, glutamic dehydrogenaseand glutaminase were strictly associated wite mito-chondrial fraction. These results indicated thatmetabolic compartment for glutamate metabolismmight be formed in the brain cells.

Copyright © 1965, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.