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high levels of glucose consumption are a well-known metabolic feature of the nervous system insitu. In culture, nervous tissues are similarlycharacterized. Attempts are described below toanalyss this process in myelinating cultures ofmammalian central and peripheral nervous tissuesthrough histochemical studies of enzymes whichcatalyse glucose oxidation.
Nervous tissues developing in vitro over aperiod of weeks or months show a generally highreactivity of dehydrogenases, diaphorases and cyto-chrome oxidase in both neurons and supportingcells, but the patterns of activity among theseenzymes vary. During myelin formation succinicdehydrogenase and DPN and TPN diaphorases areespecially active in the supporting cells, but theiractivity subsides once the myelin sheath reachescompletion. Cytochrome oxidase however main-tains a continuous activity during later maintenanceof the myelin.
To determine whether the glycolytic pathwayshifts from the aerobic route and TCA cycle tosome other at this time, glucose-6-phosphate dehy-drogenase and 6-phosphogluconic dehydrogenasewere studied-as a characteristic enzymes in thehexose monophosphate shunt. Reactivity of G-6-P dehydrogenase and 6-P-G dehydrogenase in sup-porting cells diverges from that of diaphorasesafter myelination, and remains high during main-tenance. Thiamine acts as a co-factor at differentsteps in the TCA cycle and in the hexose mono-phosphate shunt. Administration of the antimeta-balite oxythiamine to culture in low concentrationso as to produce a chronic deficiency brings aboutmainly a degeneration of the myelin sheath. Thiscan be interpreted as a blocking of the HMPshunt. For these and other reasons conversionfrom TCA to HMP is thought to be an importantfactor in the maintenance of the myelin sheath.

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