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視床前核手術というのは、もともと帯状回前部手術と同じ目的で,精神分裂病などの患者の不安除去を企図して行なわれた(Spiegen & Wycis,195343);Rondepierre & Talairach,195334)。したがつて、視床前核手術について記載するには当然帯状回手術,前頭葉ロボトミー等,いわゆる人格変化,感情変化を中心とした鎮静的脳手術(Seomative neurosurgery)(佐野)37)の一環として述べる必要がある。
Operative interventions in oligophrenic childrenwith aggressive symptoms have usually consistedof frontal lobotomy or lobectomy, anterior cingulectomy, ligation of the anterior cerebral artery, destruction of the medial thalamic nuclei, amygdaloidectomy, or a combination of some of these procedures.
In this report, lesions were made stereotaxicallyin the anterior and dorsomedial thalamic nuclei onboth sides in 5 cases. Except 1 case with tuberoussclerosis in which no development of intelligencewas recognizable, there was considerable effect infollow-up study of 2. 5-4 years in 4 cases. According to Schaltenbrand and Bailey's stereotaxicatlas, the anterior main thalamic nucleus, whichconnects with the anterior part of the cingulate gyrus, and the anterior nucleus of the medial fibrosus,which projects to the gyros rectus of the corticalsurface (area 11), are situated in the same verticalplaneof Fp 1.5; that is 1.5mm posterior of themidcommissural point. Moreover, both nuclei liebetween the nuclei cucullaris and the oral mediallamella, both of which belong to the socalled diffuseprojection thalamic system. Considering these anatomical relations, it was considered that both nucleiwould be stereotaxically destroyed at the same timeby temporal approach. Although it is not certain thatboth nuclei have correctly been destroyed or not, our results seem to be the most effective, as compared with those of other procedures, such asfrontal lobotomy (18 cases), cervical arterio-venousanastomosis (3 cases) and anterior cingulectomy(6 cases) which were performed for 15 years.
Since there are controversial opinions as to theclassification of thalamic nuclei, Hassler's classification which has been used in Schaltenbrand andBailey's stereotaxic atlas, was compared withothers, and the reasons why we began to try thisoperation were discussed.

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