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神経疾患の臨床上極めて屡々遭遇する異常知覚(paresthesia)の発生が知覚神経系内の被刺戟性の亢進,即ちspontaneous dischargeの発生乃至は求心性インパルスのdysrythmiaに基くことは今日では疑を容れない票実となつて居り(Kugelberg1)2),Simons3)他),殊にSimonsは神経膜内構造の組成の変化を重視してphysicochemicalな立場からその本態に就いて論述した。我々は臨床的経験からparesthesiaの発生に於ける原因機構に就いて次の三つの場合を想定している。
It has been thought by Simons et al thatparesthesia, often complained in the diseaseof the nervous system, are caused by physicochemical changes in the sensory nerve membrane and the vascular system remarkabllyeffects to this process. In this report the vascular state of the finger tip in 23 cases chieflycomplained of parcsthesiae, was observed byphotoelectric plethysmograph. Comparementof pulse wave on both sides, the sound andthe troublesome, reaction of pulse waves andeffect to the paresthesia by the autonomicblocking agents, vascular reaction by coldstimulus and the relation between the pulsewave and clinical course of paresthesia wereexamined. Thus it was proved that the vascular system played a important role on theappearence of the paresthesia. On the basisof these findings the clinical relation of thesensory function to the autonomic nervoussystem, especially the vascular system, wasdiscussed.

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