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Clinico-physiological Studies on Cutaneous Sensory Spots, Especially on Tactile and Pain Spots. Kyotaro Abe 1 , Yasuhiro Kitahara 1 , Yo Kato 1 , Kazuya Ando 1 1The 1st Clinic of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University School of Medicine. pp.564-573
Published Date 1958/2/28
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431901626
  • Abstract
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 Clinico-physiological studies on single tactileand pain spots were made by means ofnewly devised Abe's optical lever esthesio-algesiometer upon the volar surface offorearm of normal subjects.

On tactile spots:

 1) By mechanical stimulations on minute skinarea, it is confirmed that the spots especially sensitive to tactile stimuli are scatteredover the skin surface.

 2) Tactile thresholds of these spots even withinthe limited skin area, are not constant, butthere is gradation in these thresholds; fromthe lowest value to the highest one. Thehigher the threshold value the characteristicsof the tactile spots become less distinct.

On pain spots;

 1) Threshold for pricking pain is higher thanthat for touch on a given spot.

 2) Dense distribution of "pain spots" wasdescribed by v. Frey and has been supportedby many authors. We, however, failed tofind such localized spots especially sensitiveto painful stimuli. Increasing the quantityof mechanical stimulation on the minuteskin area, any point on the skin surfacemay give rise to pricking pain.

 3) It is considered that factor inducing painto mechanical stimulation is distortion ofthe skin.

 4) No double pain response was obtained bymeans of our minute mechanical stimulations.

 5)"Specific sensory spots" of very rare distribution, hitherto not described, were found, which, in contrast with the pricking painspots described above, respond to very weakneedle stimulation with burning or penetrating pain of unpleasant character, withoutany tactile response, and hardly respond topressure stimuli.

Copyright © 1958, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


