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Cutaneous sensory function, especially pa-resthesiae was discussed in two cases suffe-ring from hypoparathyroid tetany.
1) Thresholds of pain sense, topognosis and two point discrimination were remarkably elevated, while tactile sense was normal. After treatment these sensory functions recovered to normal.
2) In one case during the intervals of the attacks, blood supply of the finger tips and its response to autonomic nervous blocking drugs were observed by plethysmography. These responses showing normal pattern may mean that paresthesiae in tentany is less effected by the autonomic nervous system and caused, as Kugelberg described, primarily by hyperexcitability of the sen- sory nerve.
3) During the period of artifically induced ischemia below the elbow by a pneumatic tourniquet, the changes of the induced parest- hesiae and the sensory functions were obs- erved at the finger tips in these cases.

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