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Prof. R. Takahashi has improved the perseptal method originally introduced by Hirsch for the endonasal removal of tumours and has applied this method in all 16 cases or 19 times of pi-tuitary tumours. By the author its effects on the visual disturbance, visual field and endoc-rine disturbance etc. have been observed, and also a comparison with the cranial method co-ncerning its difficulty and prognosis has been made. This improved method requires a sho-rter time and is easier than the cranial meth-od. Furthermore, when a re-operation is ne-cessary, the second operation is more readily carried out, and when the tumour is located in an intrasellar position, a complete removal is possible. There has been no case up to date, in which the direct cause of death was due to this operation. The prognosis of visual acuity and visual field has been satisfactory providing that the optical fascicular atrophy was not re-markable and the tumour was non-malignant. Conclusion: Concerning the therapy of ocular disturbance caused by pituitary tumours, the endonasal method proved to be more easier and effective and demonstrated a more satisf-actory prognosis compared to the cranial me-thod provied that the tumour was located in an intrasellar position.

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