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哺乳動物の中枢神経内には多種類の遊離アミノ酸が存在し,神経伝達物質または神経機能調節物質として機能している。それらの中で,興奮性伝達物質としてはグルタミン酸(glutamic acid)およびアスパラギン酸(aspartic acid),抑制性伝達物質としてはGABA(γ-aminobutyric acid)およびグリシン(glycine)などが主要な伝達物質と考えられている。
There is now increasing evidence for the involvement of GABA as an inhibitory transmitter in central respiratory control. Recently, it has been reported that GABA mediate postsynaptic inhibitions of the ventral respiratory group (VRG) neurons in the medulla. Recent anatomical and physiological studies have revealed that the caudal raphe nuclei project to several nuclei involved in respiratory control, such as the phrenic motor nucleus in the spinal cord, and the nucleus tractus solitarius where dorsal respiratory group (DRG) neurons exist.

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