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事象関連電位event related potentialは,脳における感覚入力,統合作用,運動出力などに関係すると思われる電位の総称である。種々の感覚刺激による誘発電位,随意運動に伴う運動電位なども含まれるが,さらに高次の脳活動によると考えられる脳電位を,狭義の事象関連電位とすることもある。すなわち,Walterらの見出した付随陰性変動contingent negative variation(CNV)23)をはじめ,P300,N100,N200など,様々な電位がヒトの頭皮上から加算平均法により記録され,その高次脳活動との関係が検討されてきた。
A few examples of event related potentials in the frontal cortex, especially in the prefrontal association areas, were presented with direct recordings from the cerebral cortex of monkeys and with EEG and MEG recordings over the scalp of human subjects, and functional significances of the potentials were discussed.
CNV (contingent negative variation) recorded from the human scalp on warning-imperative (W-I) stimuli was interpreted as being due mainly to sustained EPSP currents generated in the superficial parts of apical dentrites of pyramidal neurones in wide areas of the frontal cortex according to the direct recording in monkey experiments. The sustained EPSP currents were recorded from the prefrontal, premotor and supplementary motor cortices on both cerebral hemispheres, whereas gradually increasing EPSP currents toward the I stimulus were from the motor and somatosensory cortices contralateral to the operant hand. The W-I task enables the human and the monkey to respond to an external I stimulus at very short latent time as experienced in 'ready-go' start in athletics and swimming. Functional implication of the cerebro-cerebellar interaction which shortens reaction times on stimulus triggered movement ('cerebellarization') was discussed in relation to the sustained excitation of the frontal association cortices on W-I stimuli ('prefrontalization').

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