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狭義の事象関連電位(event-related potentials:ERPs)は,早期感覚入力から後期認知反応までの脳内情報処理の各過程に対応する脳の連続的な電位変化として捉えられ,刺激の認知,期待,判断などに関連し,内因性電位とも称される。その利点は,情報処理の時間的推移や各処理過程間の時系列に関する情報をon-line,かつリアルタイムで,行動反応の選択,遂行とはまったく独立して検討しうる点である。
近年,P300(P3)のほか,N200(N2,N2b),mismatch negativity(MMN),NAなどの早期陰性成分,さらに注意に関連するprocessing negativity(PN),sustained frontal negativity(SFN)などのERPs各成分により,老化における脳内情報処理の障害過程が検討されている。本稿では老化におけるERPs研究について概説した。
Event-related potentials (ERPs) are evoked during information-processing in the brain. The ERP components are thought to represent cognition, anticipation, judgment, etc, and are called 'endogenous potentials'. Each ERP component appears as continuously changing brain potentials, enabling us to investigate the time course of information-processing in real time and the time order of each stage in the total absence of overt behavior.
Recently, to investigate which stages of information-processing are affected in normal aging, various ERP components including nogo as well as go P300 (P3) and also early negative components, e.g., N200 (N2, N2b), mismatch negativity, NA, and some components relating to attention, e.g., processing negativity and sustained frontal negativity have been utilized.
The aim of this paper is to introduce ERP studies of the age-related deficits in information processing in the brain.

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