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We reviewed about the gene analysis for autistic disorder and ADHD. For autistic disorder, many genes are analyzed as candidate genes, but responsible genes for many patients were not identified. Linkage analysis detected many candidate locus, where 7q and 15q are most interesting lesion. To reduce the heterogeneity of autism, quantitative trait loci analysis were done on linkage analsis. The genes relating to epigenetics and genes expressed in amygdala, hyppocampus and cerebellum are good candidate genes. Addition to that, several genes relating to synaps formation and function, such as neuroligin, FMRP, 5-HTT transporter, glutamate and metabotrophic glutamate receptor, were suggested to relate autism. Further analysis will be done for genes acting on synaps. For ADHD, many genes relating to dopamine and cathecolamine metabolism were analyzed. Among them, seven repeat allele of VNTR on DRD4 gene were detected to related to ADHD. Further analysis is required for the relation with genotype and phenotype including drug responsiveness.

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