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言語と大脳半球の関係については,18世紀に言語障害と右片麻痺が同時に見られるという記載がある(Goethe, 1796)。19世紀になってMarc Daxが,左大脳半球と言語機能の関連について言及したが,論文発表はされていない(Souques, 1928)。半世紀後にBroca(1861)が左大脳半球損傷による失語症例を報告したのをきっかけに,言語の優位半球という概念が広まった(Goodglass&Quadfasel, 1954)。それ以降,失語症と病巣側および利き手について検討がなされ,右利きにおける左大脳半球言語優位が報告されてきた。しかし,交叉性失語例や言語の各機能によって側性化の異なる症例があることから,実際はそれほど単純ではないことがわかってきた。
Many cognitive functions are lateralized to one cerebral hemisphere to a certain degree. As language is one of the most clearly lateralized functions, it is important to evaluate the lateralization of language in individual patients before surgical treatment.
The intracarotid amobarbital, or Wada test has been the standard for language lateralization. Many alternative techniques are now applied to studies on language lateralization, which are divided into two groups. The first group includes transcranial magnetic stimulation and cortical electric stimulation, which indicate language lateralization by suppressing neuronal activity on local areas and assessing the patient's ability to perform language tasks. The second group includes fMRI, PET, electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography, and functional transcranial Doppler sonography, which detect, directly or indirectly, neuronal activity associated with performance of language tasks.
Although review of the previous studies revealed that language dominance determined by the alternative techniques except electroencephalography was in fair agreement with the Wada test, the majority reported less than 100%concordance between the Wada test and the other paradigms. In addition, considerable variations were observed associated with task competence or age of disease onset. Cut-off point between left-and right-dominance was determined depending on the task and parameters in each study. Reliable distinction between patients with unilateral language dominance and those with mixed language dominance was not always possible by these methods. Considering these limitations, we cannot put sole reliance on one of these alternative techniques at present.
Combined analysis of data obtained from two or more different techniques with appropriate clinical data, such as neuropsychological tests and structural MRI, can reduce the need for the Wada test. However, the Wada test and electric cortical stimulation, both of which are invasive but more direct methods, would be necessary for patients with the possibility of atypical language dominance and candidates for resection of a region close to language areas.
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