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ヒトのみが言語を持つが,言語といえども進化の産物だろう。それは何百万年かをかけた変異と選択の結果,成立したと思われる。人類はいつから,そしてどのようにして言葉を持つようになったのか? 言語の起源は容易に答えられる問題ではない。それゆえ,そのような問いを発することは意味がないとする意見もあるだろう。しかしそのような考えは常に裏切られてきた。人類はこの問いを発することを決してやめないだろう。人間の言語に対する尽きることのない興味が,この永遠の問いを発し続けさせてきた。現在も発し続けられているし,これからも発し続けられるだろう。
したがって,ヒト乳幼児の音声は,結果として,段階を踏みつつ音声言語の出現を目指して発達していくようにみえる。かつて,初語の出現はそれまでの音声の発達とは関係しないと考えられたが(Jakobson, 1968),現在はそのように考える研究者はいないだろう。以下にOllerら(Oller, 1980;Oller&Eilers, 1992など)の音声発達についての考えを紹介する。また,音声言語の基盤的な部分の進化を考えるために,ヒトに最も近縁であるチンパンジーの音声発達(Kojima, 2001;2003など)についても述べる。
The early development of vocal behaviors in human infants was described, and was compared with that of chimpanzee infants. The vocal behaviors of human infants develop in stages. At the age of about 1 year, the typical infant acquires the first word of spoken language. Although human infants usually do not utter words during the first year of life, they do develop a capability to produce the kinds of sounds that are found in words during this period. Oller(1980)and Stark(1980)have proposed similar stage theories describing the development of vocal behavior of human infants leading to the first word of spoken language. According to Oller's analyses of non-crying utterances, there are five stages of vocal development in human infants. These stages include Phonation(0-1months of life[mo]), Goo(2-3mo), Expansion(4-6mo), Canonical babbling(7-10mo)and Variegated babbling(11-12mo). There are characteristic non-reflexive vocalization types for each stage. For example, quasi-resonant nuclei in the Phonation stage, Goo in the Goo stage, fully resonant nucleus, raspberry and others in the Expansion stage, canonical babbling in the Canonical stage and variegated babbling and gibberish in the Variegated Babbling stage.
Chimpanzee infants rarely emitted non-crying vocalizations spontaneously. Rather, the vocalizations were almost always elicited by environmental stimuli. A similar time course for the elicitability of vocalization was observed in human and chimpanzee infants. The elicitation of vocal behaviors of human and chimpanzee infants first increased, and then decreased. Thus, this aspect of vocal behavior in the chimpanzee infant and human infants may have a common basis. However, there were differences between the chimpanzee and human infants. Although human infants increased spontaneous vocalizations, the chimpanzee infant rarely vocalized spontaneously.
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