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紀伊半島の筋萎縮性側索硬化症/パーキンソン認知症複合(紀伊ALS/PDC)の2015年以降の最近の知見として,毛髪中の遷移元素解析,ドパミンPET,多発地区でのライフスタイルの変化,神経毒BMAA解析,migration症例,18例の神経病理,小脳のタウ病理,ニトロ化ストレス解析,optinurin病理,タウPET,の各論文について概説した。また,現時点での病因に関して考察した。多発地区では,同じ環境に少数の発症者と多くの非発症者が存在することや短期間多発地に居住した転出者に発症例がいる一方,90年以上居住しても発症していない住民もあり,環境要因への単純な曝露のみを原因とすることには無理がある。このような現象の遺伝学的な説明として,rare-disease and rare-variantモデルが提唱されている。さらに,ここ数十年に起きた多発地区での疾患頻度の減少という事実は神経変性疾患がなんらかの介入によって病態修飾し得るということを示唆しており,本疾患のrisk遺伝子と環境要因を突き止めることは,神経変性疾患全般の予防や早期介入に寄与するものと期待される。
Recent papers of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/parkinsonism-dementia complex in the Kii peninsula, Japan (Kii ALS/PDC), published since 2015, were reviewed The studies included transition element of scalp hair analysis, dopaminergic PET study, review of life style changes in the high incident area, neurotoxic BMAA analysis, a clinical report of a migration case, comprehensive neuropathological study, cerebellar tau pathology, nitrative stress in the central nervous system study, optinurin pathology in the spinal cord, and tau PET study. Tau PET was advocated to be a new useful tool for diagnosis, even in the early stage of ALS/PDC with tauopathy. The etiology of Kii ALS/PDC remainds unknown. There are patients and healthy residents within the same environment in the high incidence foci, therefore it is difficult to explain this result by exposure to environmental factors alone. From the genetic viewpoint, rare-disease and rare-variant model may be applied to Kii ALS/PDC. Because there was an immigrant who was diagnosed neuropathologically, and a drastic decrease of the prevalence in the past several decades in the high incident area, it is feasible that Kii ALS/PDC is a multifactorial disease caused by both risk genes and environmental factors. Identifying risk genes and environmental factors for Kii ALS/PDC may contribute to the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases.

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