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レヴィ小体型認知症(dementia with Lewy bodies:DLB)とは,脳にレヴィ小体と呼ばれる神経細胞内封入体を認め,進行性の認知機能低下を呈する疾患と定義される1)。DLBは本邦の高齢者認知症の原疾患としてはアルツハイマー病(Alzheimer's disease:AD),血管性認知症に次ぐ頻度であると考えられ2,3),稀ではない。認知機能の変動,幻視,パーキンソニズムといった特徴的所見4)を伴う典型的な症例では,病歴聴取および神経学的診察のみで比較的容易に診断できるものの,老人斑や神経原線維変化といったAD型病理の併存も臨床症状に影響するとされ5,4),生前には他の認知症性疾患と診断される症例も存在する3)。
以上のような観点から,DLBにおいても他の神経疾患と同様,臨床上有用なバイオマーカーの開発が望まれており,その候補として(1)血液や脳脊髄液(cerebrospinal fluid:CSF)を用いた体液マーカー,(2)神経心理検査,嗅覚機能検査およびMIBG心筋シンチグラフィを含めた自律神経機能検査といった臨床検査,そして(3)CTやMRIなどの脳形態画像,SPECTやPETなどの脳機能画像といった画像検査が挙げられる。本稿では体液マーカー,特にαシヌクレイン(α-synuclein:α-syn)とDJ-1についての最近の知見を概説する。
Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is the second most common cause of neurodegenerative dementia in the elderly. DLB is clinically characterized by fluctuating cognitive dysfunction,visual hallucinations,and parkinsonism. It is sometimes difficult to clinically diagnose patients with DLB because of the overlap of the clinical and pathological findings of this disease with those of Alzheimer's disease. Precise clinical diagnosis is important for determining the drug therapy appropriate for improving DLB symptoms. Biomarkers that enable more accurate diagnosis of DLB and reflect its complex clinical progression are highly desired. Cognitive impairment frequently occurs in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). The common pathological features of DLB and PD are Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites,both of which are composed of α-synuclein. DLB and PD are now considered to belong to a common spectrum of disorders designated as Lewy body disease (LBD). We have previously reported that the α-synuclein levels in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are significantly lower in patients with DLB than in patients with other types of dementia. However,the significance of quantifying the CSF α-synuclein levels as a biomarker for DLB has been a matter of debate because the results for these levels have been inconsistent among different studies. Similar inconsistency has been observed in studies on the plasma α-synuclein levels in patients with LBD. Here,we review the recent progress on biomarkers of LBD,especially in DLB,and discuss their application to clinical diagnosis.

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