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20世紀初頭にスペインの神経解剖学者Ramon y Cajalが「成体哺乳類の中枢神経系は1度損傷を受けると再生しない」と述べて以来,このことが長い間定説として信じられてきた。脊髄損傷は,損傷部以下の知覚・運動・自律神経系の麻痺を呈する中枢神経系の損傷である。現在,わが国では年間6千人以上の脊髄損傷患者が発生し,その総数は15万人以上である。集学的医療の進歩によって脊髄損傷患者の平均余命は健常人と変わらなくなっているが,損傷された脊髄を直接治療する方法がないのが現状である。このため,日常生活の不自由や精神的負担が長期間にわたって患者を苦しめる結果となり,社会的問題となっている。しかしながら近年,幹細胞研究の急速な進歩によって,動物実験レベルでは,細胞移植をはじめ,損傷脊髄の修復が得られる治療法が多数報告されるようになった。基礎研究で得られた結果を臨床の現場で応用できれば,脊髄損傷に対して新たな治療法を確立することも夢ではないと考えられる。
Once the safety issue has been overcome,induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs),which do not entail ethical or immunological concerns,may become the preferred cell source for regenerative medicine. Various types of iPSCs have been established by different methods,and each type exhibits different biological properties. Before iPSC-based clinical applications can be initiated,detailed evaluations of the cells,including their differentiation potentials and tumorigenic activities in different contexts,should be investigated to establish their safety and effectiveness for cell transplantation therapies. Recently,we demonstrated the directed neural differentiation of mouse iPSCs and examined their therapeutic potential in a mouse spinal cord injury (SCI) model. Mouse iPSC-derived neural stem/progenitor cells (NS/PCs),which had been pre-evaluated as non-tumorigenic by their transplantation into nonobese diabetic-severe combined immunodeficiency (NOD-scid) mouse brain,were transplanted into the spinal cord 9 days after SCI. Mouse iPSC-derived NS/PCs differentiated into all three neural lineages without forming teratomas or other tumors. They also participated in re-myelination and induced the axonal re-growth,promoting motor functional recovery. Nevertheless,our results constitute only the first step toward clinical application. The safety and effectiveness of human iPSC-derived NS/PCs need to be more intensively investigated in future preclinical studies,for example,using non-human primate SCI models. In particular,human iPSCs established by delivering reprogramming factors using a safer method than retrovirus system,such as an integration-free virus system,virus-free system,or transgene-free system should be evaluated.

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