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悪性腫瘍患者において,腫瘍細胞の直接浸潤,転移,圧迫や抗癌剤などの治療の副作用などによらず,いわゆる遠隔効果によって神経系に異常をきたす病態を,傍腫瘍性神経症候群(paraneoplastic neurologic syndrome:PNS)という1)。本症候群は,腫瘍細胞と神経系の間で共通抗原が生じる自己免疫的機序により起こると考えられている。すなわち,悪性腫瘍内に発現した神経特異的な蛋白に対する自己抗体が,神経系に対し交叉反応を起こすことが主要な病態機序である。
傍腫瘍性神経症候群は,障害される部位あるいは出現する自己抗体により分類がなされているが,このなかで神経網膜や視神経が障害されることにより視覚障害をきたす一群が存在する2-5)。傍腫瘍性に網膜変性をきたす症候群としては,主に肺小細胞癌(small-cell lung cancer:SCLC)に合併し視細胞を障害する傍腫瘍性網膜変性症あるいは癌関連網膜症(cancer-associated retinopathy:CAR)と,皮膚悪性黒色腫に合併し網膜双極細胞を標的とすると考えられている悪性黒色腫随伴網膜症(melanoma-associated retinopathy:MAR)の2種類があり,視神経障害をきたす症候群としては傍腫瘍性視神経症(paraneoplastic optic neuropathy:PON)がある(Table)。いずれの症候群も免疫学的に抗体が証明され,一部では対応する抗原となる網膜の蛋白や細胞が明らかにされており,PNSの一病型として確立している。本稿では,これら傍腫瘍性に網膜あるいは視神経の障害・変性をきたす症候群について解説する。
Paraneoplastic retinopathy including cancer-associated retinopathy (CAR) and melanoma-associated retinopathy (MAR),and paraneoplastic optic neuropathy (PON) are visual disorders associated with systemic cancer. Patients with CAR typically present with progressive loss of vision and photopsia,which are related to dysfunction of both cones and rods in photoreceptors. The triad of photosensitivity,ring scotoma,and a reduced caliber of the retinal arteriole along with undetectable signals in electroretinogram (ERG) are specific manifestations of CAR. CAR is associated most commonly with small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) and occasionally with gynecologic tumors,and it is usually caused by autoantibodies against recoverin,which is a calcium-binding photoreceptor protein that participates in the transduction of light. MAR is characterized by shimmering,flickering,or pulsating photopsias,and usually occurs in the patients with a cutaneous melanoma. MAR differs from CAR in terms of visual acuity and color vision and is associated with a characteristic pattern detected in ERG. Autoantibodies against the bipolar cells of the retina have been identified in patients with MAR. Patients with PON frequently present with progressive visual loss and optic disc edema,or with other paneoplastic neurologic syndromes related to SCLC,such as paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis or retinitis,ophthalmoplegia,and subacute cerebellar syndrome. Autoantibodies against collapsin-responsive mediator protein-5 (CRMP-5,also called anti-CV2) are considered to be as the causative factor. Treatments with corticosteroids,plasma exchange,and intravenous immune globulin as well as treatment of the tumor itself,occasionally improves these paraneoplastic visual syndromes. However,the prognosis depends on their underlying malignancy.

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