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一方,脳診断画像の進歩によって現在利用できる画像としてさまざまなものが登場し,術前診断,手術戦略立案,術中支援に役立つ。MRI像については,これまで標準的であったT1強調像,T2強調像,FLAIR画像のほかに拡散強調画像,ADC(apparent diffusion coefficient)map,DTI(diffusion tensor imaging),T2*,MR spectroscopy,functional MRI,MR angiographyなどが既に臨床応用されている。また,FDG-PETに代表されるPET検査,SPECT検査などの核医学検査,脳磁図が利用可能である。さらに,X線CT検査も最近ではmultislice・helical CTの普及がある。これらの多様な画像を術中支援として用いることは,より適切な脳神経外科手術を実現するうえで,大きなアドバンテージとなると考えられる。さらに,コンピューター工学の進歩によって,進んだ3D技術,画像解析技術の利用が可能である3)。
画像上の進歩は目覚ましいものがあるが,いまだ脳機能画像の信頼性は完全と言えないため,安全な手術を行うためには,SEP(smatosensory evoked potential),MEP(motor evoked potential),ABR(auditory brainstem response)などの生理学的なモニター,言語野近傍腫瘍などにおいては覚醒下開頭術などの術中脳機能モニターを併用することもまた,重要と考えられる3)。腫瘍の切除を考えた場合,こうした画像情報・組織情報および機能情報などを総合して,最大限の切除と安全の確保を両立させることが,今後の脳神経外科手術において重要なものになると考えられる4,5)(Fig.1,2)。
Despite remarkable advancements in brain tumor surgery after the introduction of operating microscopes and neuronavigation systems,precise removal of infiltrative brain tumors such as gliomas remains difficult. In many cases,the margins of these tumors are unclear even under the microscope. Neuronavigation based on preoperative images also is unreliable after the "brain shift" phonomenon following cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) withdrawal and/or tumor removal. Reports,however,have claimed total or near total resection of glioma is associated with better prognosis than subtotal or less amount of resection. Thus,advanced image-guided neurosurgery is expected to play an important role in achieving precise resection of such intrinsic and infiltrative brain tumors. However,caution must be exercised regarding the accuracy and reliability of image-guidance. Image-guided surgery therefore,should be supported and validated by using techniques for neurophysiological monitoring such as motor-evoked potential (MEP) under general anesthesia and monitoring of speech and motor function under awake craniotomy,if tumor is located in eloquent areas. There has been a worldwide increase in the installation of intraoperative MRI (iMRI) units in the operating room. Various lay-outs of the operating room and iMRI units with different magnetic field strengths ranging from 0.12T to 3.0T are currently in use. In 2006,we introduced 2 operation theaters with iMRI units,a 0.4T,relatively low (0.4T) and high (1.5T) magnetic-field strengths were installed at the Nagoya University Hospital and the Nagoya Central Hospital,one of our affiliated hospitals,respectively. In this paper,we discuss the,effectiveness of iMRI,as well as several problems associated with its application on the basis of the relevant literatures and our experience of more than 400 operations performed at the 2 different iMRI operation theaters,Brain THEATER and BrainSUITE.

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