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自分の意思に反して非利き手が勝手に行動し,患者には他人の手のように感じられる,いわゆる『他人の手徴候』は,前頭葉内側面,脳梁,視床後外側腹側核およびその周辺などの病変で出現することがある1-3)。このうち,利き手による随意運動や随意的意図に触発されて生じる,非利き手の異常行動である拮抗失行は脳梁病変によって惹起されるが4,5),日常の臨床で目にすることは極めて少なく,また大部分が血管障害例である。一方,多発性硬化症(multiple sclerosis:MS)は脳梁になんらかの障害を認める例が多いとされているが6-8),拮抗失行などの脳梁離断症候群の報告は稀である9-11)。筆者らは右手の随意運動時に左手の拮抗失行を示し,画像にて脳梁病変を認めたMS患者を経験し,MSの脳梁障害を考えるうえで貴重と考え,報告する。
In this paper,we describe a case of mutiple sclerosis (MS) with diagonistic dyspraxia and the callosal lesions in MRI. The patient was a 54-year-old woman with 12 year-history of suffering from MS. Her clinical symptoms were left alien hand,mild euphoria,right blindness,left visual deficit (0.06),mild weakness of right upper limb,complete paraplegia of lower limbs,total sensory deficit below middle sternal level and neurogenic bladder. She was right-handed person and her alien hand was such a manner; when she intended to use spoon with right hand,her left hand aimlessly began to hold and release a cup or dish. Then,she was diagnosed as diagnostic dyspraxia. Neuropsychological examinations disclosed left hemispheric dysfunction including left hand agraphia and disconnection of the callosum. MRI showed patchy lesions in the callosum,right optic radiation,both side thalamus (left > right),left cerebral peduncle,and spinal cord of cervical to the thoracal portion. Although the functional disorders and the radiological atrophy of the callosum,the clinical manifestation of the callosal disconnection in MS cases has been scarcely reported,and this case seems to be a quite rare condition to be described.

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