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We experienced a case of 57-year-old man withpolymyositis complicated with acute respiratory failureand myocarditis.
The patient was hospitalized with progressive muscleweakness, fever, and dysphagia. As he was diagnosed aspolymyositis soon after the admission, the administra-tion of corticosteroid and mechanical ventilation viatracheotomy were initiated due to the generalized andrespiratory muscle weaknesses. Simultaneously,bradycardia with advanced A-V block, which was treat-ed with intravenous cardiac pacing, along with theechocardiographic findings of the diffused hypokinesia,ventricular enlargement and thickened interventricularseptum were noted. Therefore, it was considered thatacute myocarditis with the abnormal cardiac conduc-tion occurred with an acute deteriorating phase ofpolymyositis. A year later, despite the improvements inneurological and respiratory symptoms, the abnormalfindings on echocardiography remained, with whichdilated cardiomyopathy was strongly suggested.

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