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非ヘルペス性辺縁系脳炎(acute limbic encephalitis: ALE)は,楠原ら1)により提唱された,頭部MRIで辺縁系に病変を認め,単純ヘルペス感染や傍腫瘍性によるものは否定的である原因不明の急性脳炎である。発熱,意識障害で発症し,後遺症として健忘症候群を認めることが多いとされている。
抗グルタミン酸受容体(glutamate receptor:GluR)ε2抗体は,Rasmussen脳炎で高率に陽性であることが知られているが2),非ヘルペス性急性脳炎でも陽性を示すことが報告されており,その病態には自己免疫学的機序が想定されている3-6)。
This report concerns a 32-year old man with non-herpetic acute limbic encephalitis. He was admitted to our hospital because of high fever and consciousness disturbance. Cranial MRI revealed abnormal signal intensities in the bilateral mesial temporal lobes. On the second hospitalization day,he developed status epilepticus,which necessitated general anesthesia. Following administration of intravenous (IV) methylprednisolone pulse therapy (1 g/day,3 days),his consciousness disturbance began to improve. Treatment with high-dose IV methylprednisolone was continued for about 2 weeks,but on the 7th day,he showed severe anterograde amnesia and retrograde amnesia regarding the preceding 5 or 6 years. Subsequently,however,his amnesic disorders improved markedly,and on the 46th day,memory dysfunction had disappeared. Autoantibodies against the glutamate receptor subunits ε2 and δ2 were detected in both the CSF and serum,but these antibodies in the CSF became normal during the clinical course. The voltage-gated potassium channel antibody was negative. This case report indicates that high-dose IV methylprednisolone therapy may be an affective treatment for non-herpetic acute limbic encephalitis,possibly associated with autoimmune mechanisms.

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